International Association
of School Librarianship

Five + Five Golden Grants

To increase active IASL membership in geographically diverse locations, two past IASL Presidents invite Zone B and C school librarians and school library advocates to apply for a 2021 Golden Grant.

In honor of IASL’s 50th birthday, 2021 Golden Grants will cover personal registration for the virtual 2021 IASL Annual Conference online plus 2021-2022 IASL membership

Five (5) Golden Grants for Zone B and five (5) Golden Grants for Zone C will be available. See IASL Zones here:

Dr. Blanche Woolls (IASL charter member and past President) is sponsoring 3 Golden Grants for new members in Zone B and 3 Golden Grants for new members in Zone C.

Dr. Diljit Singh (immediate Past President) is sponsoring 2 Golden Grants for new members in Zone B and 2 Golden Grants for new members in Zone C.

Preference will be given to applicants who haven’t previously been IASL members.

Grant winners must agree to attend/ view sessions online each day of the Conference (12-16 July 2021) and write a report to Golden Grant sponsors by 1 September 2021.

Guidelines for Applicants

Deadline to apply: Applications are now closed. Thank you to all that applied.

Complete the Application Form and send to the Chairperson of the Awards Committee of IASL at:

International Association of School Librarianship
P.O. Box 684
Jefferson City, MO  65102
Email: Subject line “2021 Golden Grant”
Fax: 1-573-635-2858

Be sure to include your statement on why joining IASL and attending the IASL Conference online will benefit you professionally and help school libraries in your area.

Application Form

Applications by email, postal mail, or fax must be received by 1 May 2021.

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2021 Golden Grant Application Form

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Position: ______________________________________________________________

School/Institution: ______________________________________________________

Postal Address: _________________________________________________________


Country: __________________________________ IASL Zone ___________________

Email Address: __________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Fax: __________________________________________________________

Please answer the following. Use additional space as necessary:

1) Do you have reliable internet access and sufficient free time to attend the 2021 Conference online during 12-16 July 2021? [  ] Yes  [  ] No

2) Will your principal/ supervisor allow you to attend some Conference sessions online during your work-day if needed? Y [  ] N [  ]

3) Have you been an IASL member in the past? [  ] Yes [  ] No

4) Are you willing and financially able to pay for IASL membership when your Award membership expires? [  ] Yes  [  ] No

5) If you win this Gold

en Grant, do you agree to send a written report to the Past Presidents about what you learned at the 2021 conference by 1 September 2021? [  ] Yes [  ] No

6) Why will joining IASL and attending the 2021 IASL Conference online will benefit you professionally and help school libraries in your area? (200 word maximum)







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