The Association will be influential in the establishment and development of school librarianship in every country in the world.
The mission of the Association is to provide an international forum for people interested in promoting effective school library programs as viable instruments in the educational process. IASL also provides guidance and advice for the development of school library programs and the school library profession. IASL works in cooperation with other professional associations and agencies.
The objectives of the Association are:
- To advocate the development of school libraries throughout all countries;
- To encourage the integration of school library programs into the instruction and curriculum of the school;
- To promote the professional preparation and continuing education of school library personnel;
- To foster a sense of community among school librarians in all parts of the world;
- To foster and extend relationships between school librarians and other professions in connection with children and youth;
- To foster research in the field of school librarianship and the integration of its findings with pertinent knowledge from related fields;
- To promote the publication and dissemination of information about successful advocacy and program initiatives in school librarianship;
- To share information about programs and materials for children and youth throughout the international community;
- To initiate and coordinate activities, conferences and other projects in the field of school librarianship and information services.