What's New

IASL Highlight Submissions - We invite you to submit accomplishments and activities you would like highlighted in an IASL social media post and/or IASL newsletter, by completing the form https://rb.gy/gbdji4.

Latest IASL Newsletter, Volume 53, October 2024 - Members: log in to view Newsletter articles.
Where in the world are IASL members?
Check out our map, showing the countries in which we have members. There are more than you might think!
School Libraries Worldwide: IASL's peer-reviewed scholarly journal has a new home here.
Workshop on 'Implementing the IFLA School Library Guidelines'
The IASL / IFLA Joint Committee has developed a workshop based on the IFLA School Library Guidelines, 2nd edition. Its Introduction and 6 Modules are free to use and can be adapted to local needs. Download at the IFLA-School Libraries Section page.
Support-A-Member (SAM) applications will now be accepted throughout the year! The SAM program is designed to make it possible for school librarians, teacher-librarians, library assistants, and others interested in school library service living in IASL Zone C countries to belong to IASL. Funded through the generosity of IASL members, this membership is granted for a two year term. Learn more about how to apply for the award here.
Window On the World (WOW) of School Libraries: Through this project, we are hoping to build a more global perspective on the state of school libraries throughout the world. WOW has two main elements:
1. School library country profiles of 230 countries, full access available for members now. Click here to access the country profiles.
2. A gallery of school library images.
Contribute to our gallery today! Click here to view guidelines and directions for submissions.
IASL Listserv - Members: Your new listserv is here! Click here for detailed instructions on how to use it.
IASL Member Forum - Members: Log in, then Click here to access the forum. This forum is exclusively for IASL members to interact with one another on a virtual platform. We encourage you to create constructive discussions by sharing information, insight, and ideas with your fellow members. Don't forget to subscribe to the forum's daily updates!
IASL-Online Login Instructions: Members who have received their IASL membership renewals via email may log in to pay via credit card online. Select the "Forgot Password" link to create your membership account password. Please note: this payment website does not share passwords with the iasl-online.org website, but we recommend using the same password for both sites.
View our privacy policy here.