Subject Categories | Author Index | Country Index
This section of the web site highlights IASL research from 1996. It provides abstracts available in two major IASL publications, School Libraries Worldwide and papers from the International Forum on Research in School Librarianship that form part of the annual conference proceedings. The abstracts are intended for educators, researchers, practitioners, and policy makers who are seeking studies on issues and trends related to school libraries around the world. Each entry has been assigned at least one of 23 subject categories and consists of a statement of major findings, an abstract of the original report, and bibliographic information, with a link at the end to ordering information for IASL publications (where appropriate).
Criteria for inclusion of work in the IASL Research Abstracts are based on those developed for a compilation of IASL research (Sustaining the vision: A collection of articles and papers on research in school librarianship) and that are now used for reviewing proposals for the IASL Forum on Research:
IASL members from countries with few resources for purchasing journals and conference proceedings will now have access to the knowledge base in the field. Through their normal channels, they will be able to order full copies of articles they deem important to furthering the research and practice of school librarianship in their countries.
It is hoped that members in all countries will use this resource as a means of promoting research and improving practice both in the field and across disciplines by providing easier location of school librarianship literature.
The IASL Research Abstracts is a project of the IASL Research Special Interest Group.