International Association
of School Librarianship
IASL Working Groups


Committees carry out the operations of the Association for a specific purpose and are appointed as needed. Some committees are Standing Committees (long-term), while others are Ad Hoc Committees (for specific purposes). The Chairperson of each committee reports to the Executive Board member responsible for each committee. See Procedures-Administration. 

Contact the listed committee chair for further information.

Awards Committee
Katy Manck, Chairperson

Nominating Committee
Kerry Pope, Chairperson
Budget Committee
Jennifer Branch-Mueller, Chairperson

Publications and Information Dissemination Committee 
Position Vacant

By-Laws Committee
Position Vacant

Publications Advisory Committee
Dianne Oberg, Chairperson
Membership Committee
Anne Mlod, Chairperson

Special Interest Groups

General Information

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a members-only benefit that provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and stay informed about current developments in areas of special interest. 

Through each SIG’s topical forum, IASL members can share practical and theoretical knowledge, discuss professional issues, highlight information resources related to the SIG focus, and work together on developing and implementing strategies at local, national, and international levels.

Members can join up to two SIGs, using the instructions below. It is better to be active in one or two groups rather than be a lurker in many.

The SIGs work online all year, as well as organizing a workshop or presentation for the IASL Annual Conference where scheduled SIG meetings allow face-to-face interaction and planning.

Current SIGs

Please visit the SIG web page for a brief description of activities and SIG Coordinator contact information:

How to Join a SIG

Your IASL membership profile shows your current SIGs. If you are a new IASL member, or if you want to remove or add a SIG, please mail and indicate which SIG(s) you want to add or remove. Your SIG interests will then be updated and appear in your profile.


For questions regarding SIGs, please contact Fredrik Ernerot, Vice President - Association Operations via email. SIG Procedures are listed in the IASL Organizational Handbook found under Organization

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