International Association
of School Librarianship

Media & Information Literacy SIG

The Media & Information Literacy Team

Chair:  Dr. Lesley Farmer (USA)


  • to promote information literacy as a central concept in all school curriculums and to work toward its integration in teaching and learning practices;
  • to share strategies in integrating information literacy into the curriculum;
  • to share theory and best practice for integrated skills development to help students learn how to learn in the content areas;
  • to discuss successful activities and methods to involve students in the synthesis of their skill development activities;
  • to examine methods for developing collaborative and co-operative planning, teaching and evaluation processes with teachers as part of the instructional team.

Potential Activities

  • identify websites and listservs related to information literacy broadly defined, such as: independent learning, life long learning, information skills, study and research skills, learning styles, flexible learning, library skills;
  • discuss various models of information literacy;
  • identify and present case studies of best practice of integrating information literacy skills into the curriculum;
    identify research that establishes impacts of information literacy based programs;
  • establish research needs related to information literacy;
    identifies national information literacy agendas;
  • establish a creative forum for the generation of teaching and learning ideas centring on information literacy;
  • identify potential themes / people for conference presentations;
  • provide examples of information literacy policies in schools.


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