International Association
of School Librarianship

Student Outcomes – The GiggleIT Project

Through the GiggleIT Project, your students will have opportunities to develop a range of skills and demonstrate a number of learning outcomes. You can use these as a guide, as you personalize GiggleIT to suit individual programs and different teaching-learning contexts.

You may choose to use all the Learning Outcomes listed here or focus on a single outcome when using the Project as a vehicle for teaching. The Learning Outcomes below were extracted from the West Australian Curriculum Framework – Overarching Learning Outcomes in 2008; the more recent Western Australian Curriculum – General Capabilities covers similar outcomes and skills, as you will find in your own Education Department’s policy documents.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students need to develop life-long learning skills that will enable them to be adaptable and flexible, including literacy, ethical and effective technology use, the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment, problem-solving skills, and good work practice.

Such skills are generic across the curriculum and apply to all Learning Areas, so the GiggleIT Project provides a guide for teachers to use when teaching and assessing the development of these skills.

  • think objectively, critically and creatively about written texts;
  • further develop oral and written communication skills;
  • further develop information research skills;
  • expand their use and knowledge of language in a number of contexts; and
  • work collaboratively in a team environment and independently as a responsible team member.

Literacy Learning Outcomes

Students use language to understand, develop and communicate ideas and information and interact with others.

During the course of the GiggleIT Project, students will work and share information with other members of their team as well as members from other teams. They will use language in a variety of contexts (written, oral and visual) to exchange and formulate ideas.

Students will focus on further developing literacy skills, e.g. conducting oral discussions, completing mind-maps and graphic organizers to present research information, writing up bibliographic information, analyzing text, writing focus questions, using and analyzing language and vocabulary in different contexts and writing a range of creative pieces from different genres – poetry, short stories, jokes and fairytales/myths and legends.

Students will develop critical literacy skills:

  • understand that the way language is used and varies according to context;
  • develop creative writing skills;
  • use a drafting/editing/publishing process;
  • explore different types of literature – poetry, school yard rhymes, limericks, sayings, jokes/gags, short stories;
  • use a range of language and build vocabulary; and
  • use correct language conventions appropriate to audience, purpose and context.

Information Literacy Learning Outcomes

Students recognize when and what information is needed, locate and obtain it from a range of sources and evaluate, use and share it with others.

In preparation for their personal writing, students will study a variety of texts, including fiction and nonfiction from different genres, like poetry, short stories, jokes, culturalized stories, fractured fairytales and personal anecdotes. They will be looking at texts and the use of language to discover meaning and cultural context.

During this process they will research author information from a number of different sources, evaluate information, formulate opinions, compromise and reach conclusions, and keep a record of the information they have gathered and how they have used it.

Students will develop critical information literacy skills:

  • they will develop mind-maps and graphic organizers as tools to develop critical thinking and comparative skills;
  • they will locate/research, collect, group and collate, evaluate and deconstruct meaning from a range of information sources;
  • they will discuss and redefine information and reconstruct it to make meaning within a new context; and
  • they will examine and compare different types of literature from their own and other countries to develop cross cultural understanding about information.

Use of Technology Learning Outcomes

Students select, use and adapt technologies.

During the course of the project, students will have opportunities to use a range of technologies (digital mind-maps and graphic organizers, electronic portfolios, Word processing and desktop publishing, etc.). They may adapt these technologies to produce their formal presentations, discussion tasks, and creative writings.

Students will develop critical technology skills:

  • locating and exploring information;
  • research using a variety of formats and delivery modes, through research of national identity as found in humorous national literature;
  • managing, collating, reconstructing information, referencing using a range of technologies;
  • evaluating electronic resources and student publications, progress and process; and
  • communicating final works in their school and community.

Social Cultural Learning Outcomes

Students will study texts that look at multicultural aspects of life in other countries and in their home country.

Students will develop critical social cultural understandings and skills:

  • explore the humor of their own culture/s and ethnic groups through myths, legends, stories, anecdotes and jokes particular to that culture;
  • compare their anecdotes and jokes with those from other cultures; and
  • gain a better understanding of their own national identity through the comparison of international literature.
  • Students understand their cultural, geographic and historical contexts and have the knowledge, skills and values necessary for active participation in life in [their country] and;
  • Students are equipped to contribute to the global community.

Other Learning Outcomes

Working collaboratively/individually
Students value and implement practices that promote personal growth and well-being.

During the course of this project, students will participate in sharing activities, problem-solving and decision-making processes, designed to encourage them to think about their world and to formulate opinions about specific issues from a point of knowledge. This process is designed to develop life skills that will allow them to become adaptable and flexible learners, willing to accept and adopt change as they move from the known to the unknown.

Students are self-motivated and confident in their approach to learning and are able to work individually and collaboratively.

During the course of this project, students will work on individual research projects, share their information and conclusions with team members, and work to meet deadlines. The project has been designed to cater for students' individual learning styles and to encourage them to become independent learners, while also working in a collaborative environment.

Peer assessment
Students recognize that everyone has the right to feel valued and be safe, and in this regard, understand their rights and obligations and behave responsibly.

During the course of this project, students are required to take control of their learning environment, work cooperatively with others and use technology responsibly to achieve specific outcomes. They are responsible for collecting, collating, evaluating and sharing information in an environment that is both independent and collaborative, and they will be expected to observe the rights of others at all times 

They will evaluate and assess their own work and the work of others in a thoughtful and responsible manner. They will practice democracy by learning to evaluate critically and to vote based on critical thinking.

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