International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Procedures and Guidelines

Guidelines: IASL Website [School Libraries Online]

1) Name: The official website of the International Association of School Librarianship is School Libraries Online. The Association owns the domain

2) Objectives:

2.1 The major objectives of the website shall be to:

  • 2.1.1 Further the objectives of IASL as stated in its constitution.
  • 2.1.2 Provide access to authoritative information concerning the Association, its policies, procedures, administration, activities, projects and conferences.
  • 2.1.3 Provide information and resources to support and enhance school librarianship practice, research and advocacy, and to support the professional development and education of school library personnel.
  • 2.1.4 Promote and support IASL activities and projects and provide a platform for virtual activities and projects.
  • 2.1.5 Provide information for IASL members and other school library personnel about IASL activities and events and the activities of related international organizations.

2.2 Other objectives shall be to:

  • 2.2.1 Serve as a medium for the publication and exchange of ideas and viewpoints concerning library and information services in schools.
  • 2.2.2 Encourage membership in IASL.
  • 2.2.3 Promote the professional status of school librarians, teacher-librarians, school media specialists.

3) Language

3.1 English shall be the official language of the website.

3.2 As and when the regular support of voluntary translators is available, sections of the website will be established in languages other than English.

4) Ownership of Content, Copyright, and Disclaimers

4.1 Copyright of material on School Libraries Online is jointly held by the author/s and by the International Association of School Librarianship. Requests to reprint or otherwise use material on this Web site should be directed to the Webmaster or the IASL Secretariat.

4.2 For the convenience of users of School Libraries Online, links are made to many other Web sites. While care is taken in selecting these sites, it should be noted that IASL is not responsible for the content of the sites to which links are made.

4.3 Any school library association or individual member of IASL may reproduce material from School Libraries Online in the language of their country, at no cost to IASL, provided credit is given to IASL in the translated publication. However, School Libraries Online provides access to many sources that were not created for and are not owned by IASL. In these cases, the copyright provisions of originators take precedence and should be observed.

4.4 The opinions and view expressed in this web site do not necessarily reflect the view of the International Association of School Librarianship, or its Webmaster.

5) Submission of Materials for School Libraries Online:

5.1 The Webmaster shall have the right to accept or reject items that have been submitted.

5.2 The Webmaster shall have the right to alter, summarise, or delete materials for the purpose of meeting web site demands for accuracy and space. However, the viewpoint, ideas and concepts shall not be altered intentionally. Where the changes go beyond normal editing or summarising, the changes will be returned to the creator for approval.

5.3 All materials submitted will be subject to the copyright statement above, unless a specific arrangement has been agreed upon by both the person who submits the item and the Webmaster. This agreement shall be in writing and any restrictions on copying will be included on the web page for users' information.

5.4 Materials that are the property of IASL are subject to IASL's copyright provisions

5.5 Contributors should comply with IASL: Guidelines for Contributors to the Web Site -- School Libraries Online

5.6 Advertising will be accepted for School Libraries Online in accord with the Website Advertising Policy [n/a] and conditions detailed in Guidelines for Advertisers [n/a]

6) Budget

6.1 The IASL Executive Committee shall determine the amount of funds available for maintaining and developing the Web site when preparing the association's annual budget.

6.2 The Webmaster shall present a recommended budget each year at the annual conference to the Executive Committee. This budget shall be based on past costs and projected costs for improvements.

6.3 The Webmaster shall keep expenditures within the approved budget.

7) Annual Report

7.1 The Webmaster shall submit a written report to the IASL Board at each annual meeting

7.2 A copy of the Annual Report of the Webmaster shall be sent to the IASL Executive Secretary by 1 June each year, and will be made available to Executive Committee and Board of Directors prior to the annual meeting.

8) Qualifications and Appointment of the Webmaster

8.1 Appointment and Board Membership

  • 8.1.1 The IASL Executive Committee shall appoint the Webmaster for School Libraries Online, taking account of the required qualifications listed below.
  • 8.1.2 The Webmaster shall serve for an initial term of three years. The term of service may be extended by mutual agreement for as long as the Webmaster is willing to continue
  • 8.1.3 Either the Webmaster or IASL Executive Committee, following written notice of three months, may terminate this agreement.
  • 8.1.4 The Webmaster shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee, and the Board of Directors of IASL.

8.2 Qualifications

  • 8.2.1 The candidate shall be a member of IASL
  • 8.2.2 The candidate shall have knowledge and understanding of various levels of school libraries/media centers and librarianship in both developed and developing countries
  • 8.2.3 The candidate shall have demonstrated expertise in maintaining and developing a website of a significant size in a related professional context.
  • 8.2.4 The candidate shall be capable of initiating activities to accomplish the objectives of the web site and the Association, and within the outlined areas of responsibility.
  • 8.2.5 The candidate shall have the ability to write effectively in English

8.3 Assistant

  • 8.3.1 The Webmaster may choose a suitably qualified assistant, if required.

9) Duties and Responsibilities of the Webmaster

The Webmaster shall:

9.1 Establish (in conjunction with the Executive Committee, the Board, and other appropriate officers) and implement web site policies and procedures that will further the objectives of the web site and the Association.

9.2 Monitor the external environment (Internet developments, standards, hardware and software, design trends) as a basis for web site development.

9.3 Monitor the users of the web site, their needs, and their access to equipment and software, as a basis for web site development.

9.4 Locate, purchase, or commission web site content and services to meet user needs and to further the objectives of the web site and the Association.

9.5 Update existing web pages according to information provided by IASL members, Officers, and other relevant parties.

9.6 Provide advice to the organisers of each annual conference of IASL regarding web site matters, and house the conference web site as part of School Libraries Online.

9.7 Liaise with the Editor of School Libraries Worldwide, the Editor/s of the IASL Newsletter, the Coordinator of International School Library Day, the SIG Coordinators, and other people who are responsible for IASL projects and activities, and provide appropriate web services.

9.8 Liaise with the Executive Secretary regarding and advise on the technical and financial implications of projects that lead to establishment of new sections of the web site.

9.9 Liaise with the Association's designated Internet Service Provider (ISP) via the Secretariat regarding all matters associated with the housing of the web site.

9.10 Ensure that the web site is backed up regularly and maintain backups appropriately.

9.11 Establish procedures for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the web site as a basis for planning and development.

9.12 Maintain a record of expenditures on the web site, in line with the approved budget for the year.

9.13 Submit an annual report to the Executive Secretary, the report to include a recommended budget for the forthcoming year.

Approved: 2004. To be reviewed in 2006

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