International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Procedures and Guidelines

Guidelines: Relationships with other International Bodies

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
P.O. Box 95312, 509 CH Den Haag, Netherlands

Liaison: Vice-President -- Association Relations

Annual dues set by IFLA. IASL holds voting membership which allows participation in their program rather than as consultant status -- with voting representation in Children's Library Service and School Libraries and Resource Centers.

IASL currently holds membership in eight sectionsAsia and Oceania; Education and Training;  Information Literacy; Information Technology; Libraries for Children and Young Adults; Literacy and Reading; Management of Library Associations; School Libraries.

IASL-IFLA Joint Committee

It was agreed at the IFLA school librarians meeting in Manila (1980) that "the Standing Committee of the Section on School Libraries and the International Association of School Librarianship Executive Board should each appoint a member to attend the others conference and executive meetings as an official representative of their parent organizations. This should finalize an existing information relationship without incurring additional expense and should ensure that each association is fully cognizant of the others concerns and plans to avoid duplication of efforts. The minutes of each Executive Committee and reports from sub-committees should be exchanged to ensure a continuous flow of information and facilitate identification of areas where cooperative ventures may be appropriate and when separate projects can be pursued by mutual agreement."

In 1980, Linda Beeler was appointed by IASL and the IFLA school committee then appointed her as their liaison. Since then there has been just one person who served a dual capacity, i.e., a member of both groups. IASL has regularly nominated that person to IFLA which has meant that the person could serve two full terms.

United Nations, Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
7, place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France

    Participation in relevant programs is permitted, but have to be approved by the ‘Application Committee’, which consists of the President, one of the Vice Presidents and the Treasurer.

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