International Association
of School Librarianship



Please tell us your full name, place of work, and job title

My name is Dr. Sarwesh Pareek, and I am a librarian at Bha-ratiya Vidya Bhavan Vidyashram Pratap Nagar

Can you tell us your city and country of work?

I work in Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.

What is your favorite part of being a librarian?

My favorite part of being a librarian is my passion to make reading accessible to all. The collection of books should be huge enough that every reader is contentedly walking out of my library. I wish to instill the habit of craving books, especial-ly digital versions, as today we live in a tech-savvy world.

What made you become a librarian?

As it is always said destiny plays a major role in one’s life; I may consider this is to be mere coincidence or destiny that I became a librarian. As always, I wanted to become a geogra-phy teacher, and when I was seeking admission in university instinctively I opted for Library Science.

Tell us about a special project you have undertaken in your work that has had a positive impact on our field.

Before joining this school I was working in university as an assistant librarian, where the students needed more re-sources for their study and research purposes. At the same time I was pursuing my PhD. in Library and Information Sci-ence on the topic of “Use and Promotion of Electronic Re-sources in the Libraries of Rajasthan.” I decided to start a digi-tal library of CD’s that was my first e-project but it didn’t work well. I started working on use of e-resources and their promo-tion, SARVGYAN: Promoting free access to e-resources (My first project ever).

The organization where I am currently employed has given me all freedom to make library user friendly. Using this oppor-tunity I initiated the e-Magazine “PITARA: A Treasure of Knowledge” where students creative talents are online demonstrated.

An online Library “LIBRARY@ BVBV Pratap Nagar” is also being promoted to make resources like e-books, e-magazines, old question papers, information on Olympiads, video tutori-als, and lot of information available at their doorstep. Every year under the banner of Library Week various activities are conducted for all grades. To promote reading habits the “I Love Reading” campaign is initiated, students posses this batch to be able to issue as many books they want to read.

Can you tell us something interesting about you (things you like, hobbies, etc.)

I believe in simple living high thinking that too precisely for books and book lovers. My work has become my passion. I try to accomplish any job assigned to me with all persuasion and perseverance.

Other than books I love singing and listening to music. 




All images provided by Dr. Pareek

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