International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Procedures & Guidelines (Handbook of Organization)

Procedures: Committees

  • Committees charged with carrying out the operations of the Association shall be appointed from time to time as needed. Some committees will be Standing (long term), while others will be Ad Hoc (for specific purposes). The terms will be determined by the Executive Committee.
  • The President, on the advice of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the chairpersons and membership for committees as needed.
  • Committees shall be monitored and assisted in their work by the respective Executive member, to whom each Committee Chairperson shall formally report electronically at least twice yearly.
  • Chairpersons will have a term of three years, provided the tenure in the office is satisfactory to the Executive Committee, based on annual assessment. Terms may be renewable.
  • The membership should also be kept appraised of the work of the Committee using appropriate IASL communication channels.
    Chairpersons prepare an annual report in the standard format for presentation to the respective member of the Executive Committee, in advance of the Conference.
  • No activities involving IASL funding shall be undertaken without the prior approval of the Executive Committee.
  • Chairpersons will contribute whatever material is appropriate to the Secretariat for archival purposes.

Current IASL Committees, Responsibilities, and Chairpersons

Awards Committee (Katy Manck)

  • to mentor the selection committee for each of the awards;
  • to assist the President in planning and implementing the awards presentation activities during the conference or at other appropriate settings
  • to host the representatives presenting the awards prior to, during, and immediately after the awards presentation ceremony
  • to draft recommendations for additional awards, with funding documentation for consideration by the Executive Committee
  • to work closely with the Secretariat in publicizing the Awards, the donors, and the recipients.

Budget Committee (Jennifer Branch-Mueller)

  • to review budget proposals and to assist in the development of an Association budget
  • to make recommendations with respect to Association finances, including changes in fee structures, costs of publications, etc.
  • to take an active role in obtaining sponsorships and other funding for the Association

By-Laws Committee [Position vacant]

  • to assist the President and the Executive Committee to ensure that changes in the by-laws reflecting the policies and procedures of the Association are recorded annually, are drafted for notices of motion to the membership, and are presented at the General Assembly meeting.
  • to enlist the services of a parliamentarian familiar with the by-laws and the traditions of the Association to assist the President at the General Assembly meeting as necessary

Conference Planning and Management Committee

  • to make program and operational decisions as appropriate to the traditions and needs of the Association
  • to work closely with the President, Vice President -- Operations and Executive Secretary in planning and conducting the annual conference
  • to ensure that the Conference Planning and Management Handbook is revised to reflect the changing needs and procedures of the Association.

Educational Study Tours Committee

  • to develop proposals for the Executive Committee with respect to the procedures for establishing a regular educational study tour program for the membership that would generate funds for the Association
  • to make recommendations for potential study tours in collaboration with the annual Conference Planning and Management Committee and at other times, including agencies which might undertake the organization and management work

Membership Committee (Anne Mlod)

Nominating Committee (Kerry Pope)

  • to identify appropriate active members of the Association to stand for office to fill each of the vacancies on the Board
  • to present legally nominated candidates to the Executive Committee and then to the General Assembly meeting.
  • to assist the newsletter editor in obtaining biographical statements and election position statements for publication in the Spring newsletter

Publications Committee/Publications and Information Dissemination Committee - [Position Vacant]

  • to develop proposals for a program of publications -- monographs, occasional papers, brochures and pamphlets -- in keeping with the goals of the Association for consideration by the Executive Committee
  • to recruit members or agencies to implement the program of additional publications as approved in the annual budget

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