IASL Procedures & Guidelines (Handbook of Organization)
Procedures: General Assembly
Normally the President shall chair the meeting and in the absence of the President another or member of the Executive Committee so designated, shall take the chair. Individual members and registered representatives of Association members may participate in discussions at the General Assembly. Non-members may speak by permission of the President unless objections are raised by any member present.
Speakers shall identify themselves for the record, giving their names, country of residence, and an indication of whether they are an individual member or represent an association.
No speaker may speak for the second time on the same topic until all who wish to speak have spoken, except to raise a point of order.
Resolutions brought before the General Assembly for action, should state clearly the position of actions to which the Association would be committed upon their adoption. All such resolutions shall be presented to the President or his/her representative in advance of the meeting and if ruled as relevant to the work of the Association, shall be made available in writing at the meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting the presiding chairperson will announce the agenda and ask for its adoption by the members present. Any departure from the agreed agenda must receive general consent or, if necessary, a two-thirds vote of the members present.