International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Procedures & Guidelines (Handbook of Organization)

Procedures: Nominations and Elections

Nominating Committee

The name and address of the nominating coordinator and positions to be filled will appear in the February Newsletter along with the process for nominations.

The chairperson shall have an up-to-date list of all members (supplemented during the year), a copy of the duties of each officer and the regional directors. The chairperson has the responsibility for checking the final list of candidates to be sure all criteria are met.

Conditions of Candidacy

When approaching candidates for nomination the following qualifications will be considered:
  • demonstrated effective leadership in local or national associations or institutions in his/her country;
  • an interest in promoting the goals and objectives of IASL;
  • a willingness to attend IASL conferences and related meetings;
  • role and responsibilities for the position under consideration as outlined in the Procedures & Guidelines (Handbook of Organization);
  • nominee's membership fees are current;
  • nominator's and the seconder's membership fees are current;
  • understands that individuals must pay their own expenses to conferences and/or related meetings;
  • willing to supply a biographical sketch and position statement which may be used for information purposes to the membership during the election process.

In the case of Regional Directors, the person nominated must understand that the representation is for the entire region, irrespective of national boundaries.

Procedures And Election

Nominations are officially presented at the annual general meeting by the Chairperson. Wherever possible two or more candidates should be nominated for each office. Nominations must be in the hands of the Chairperson no later than April 1st in order for the Committee to process the forms in time for publication in the May IASL Newsletter. This will also facilitate a mail vote if the association moves in this direction. Each nomination shall be on a prescribed form with signatures of sponsor and seconded. Printed ballots will be used for all elections. Nominations from the floor are not recognized.

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