Leaders in all countries are invited to apply for reimbursement of US $2,000 to attend their first IASL annual conference. This award will be presented in odd years beginning in 2021 (no award will be given in 2022).
These grants assist leaders
Applications should be sent to the Chairperson of the Awards Committee of IASL at:
International Association of School Librarianship
P.O. Box 684
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Email: iasl@c2cpro.solutions
Fax: 1-573-635-2858
Applications must include a statement of:
Please note:
The award of US$ 2000 is presented at the annual IASL Conference. Recipients must be able to attend the conference to receive the award and funds. The recipient must be able to cover any additional expenses over and above the US$ 2000.
Leadership development grant recipients are required to provide a report on their conference experience to the IASL Secretariat within six months of conference closing, in response to the potential outcomes identified in their application.The application form below may be printed or copied, completed on paper, and sent to the Chairperson of the Awards Committee of IASL with supporting documentation:
==================== copy here =====================
Ken Haycock Leadership Development Grant Application Form
Name: ________________________________________________________________
Position: ______________________________________________________________
School/Institution: ______________________________________________________
Postal Address: _________________________________________________________
Country: _______________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________
Fax: __________________________________________________________
Please answer the following. Use additional space as necessary:
1) Why do you wish to attend the IASL conference?
2) What do you aim to achieve as a result of attending the conference?
3)Who, in your school or education administration authority, supports your application?
4) Are you a member of IASL? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Please attach two letters of support from the persons listed in question 3 guaranteeing your continued involvement in the development of the school library program.