IASL Newsletter
Information for Contributors
Contributions for the IASL Newsletter are
welcome from
around the world!
- School library news from your part of the world;
- Information about upcoming meetings or reports of conferences;
- Information about new documents or reports;
- Discussion of professional issues;
- News of people or libraries;
- News from member associations;
- Initiatives in the field of continuing education;
- Developments in education for school librarianship;
- Important local research projects; or
- Other topics related to school libraries or information services in schools.
- Include
the following contact information: full name, professional title,
organization, and email address
- We
appreciate suggested article headlines and/or photo captions, which may be
edited for space. If someone outside your organization took the photo,
please include "photo by (name)"
- Submissions
are not to run longer than one newsletter page(s). Each newsletter
submission is limited to 550 words in length with 2-3 pictures. Up
to three photos may be included, depending on your article's word count.
- If
you have additional text you would like to share beyond the 550-word
limit, please include a link to a longer version of the article on another
webpage or blog that we can include within your article.
- Only current members of
IASL are allowed to contribute to the newsletter. If you are not a current
member, you will be asked to join or renew your membership with IASL in order
for your submission to be included.
- Materials should be submitted directly to the IASL Newsletter Editor at iaslnewsletter@gmail.com.
- Electronic submission of material is preferred, using Microsoft Word.
- Digital images should be saved in no less than 150dpi in JPEG or PNG formats.
- Email submissions should be as an attached Word document, not in the body of the message.
- Copy that is submitted as printed material that includes graphics should be accompanied by either original photographs, or graphics files saved on CD-ROM (photocopies of graphics are not accepted).
Contact the editor by email at iaslnewsletter@gmail.com with any questions.