IASL Research Abstracts |
Findings: Teacher librarians regarded as leaders perceived themselves as highly valued by their principals, by teachers, students and parents. Their self-esteem, their credibility, and their expertise were all intact.
Abstract: Many teacher librarians in Australia are considered successful. Their innovations are taken up, their ideas are debated and their leadership may be inspirational. But what of their role within their own schools, how do the students, the teachers, their principals regard them? This paper studies the responses to a series of questions from six teacher-librarians who are generally regarded as influential leaders within their field. These responses are analyzed with a view to testing Hartzell's (1994) scaffolding for building influence for the teacher librarian. The major limitation of the survey is that on the teacher librarians' responses are under review. It was not possible to test the perceptions of those who work in the schools with the teacher librarian respondents. See:
Boyd, S. (2002) Developing power and influence for the professional teacher librarian. In D. Singh, A. Abdullah, S. Fonseka and B. de Rozario (Eds.) School libraries for a knowledge society (pp. 39-47). Seattle: International Association of School Librarianship.
Subject Categories: 6, 20