International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Research Abstracts

IASL Research Abstracts: 122

Findings: The introduction of Western concepts of librarianship can be seen as a challenge to prevailing Vietnamese cultural norms, a challenge that will need to be addressed on their terms in the Vietnamese context.

Abstract: This paper provides an ethnographical account of the experience of setting up an open access library of working alongside and in close collaboration with different parties within an academic environment over the period of four years in Hanoi. It provides useful lessons for consideration for those who would like to facilitate the blending of western practices in librarianship with local knowledge in developing countries such as Vietnam. It also presents a platform for an outsider's view of the practice of teacher librarianship. See:

Parr, G., Nguyen, H.C. and VET Centre Library. (2002). Western theory -- Vietnamese Praxis: Four years of professional collaboration in Vietnam as a teacher librarian: an ethnographical reflection. In D. Singh, A. Abdullah, S. Fonseka and B. de Rozario (Eds.) School libraries for a knowledge society (pp. 265-276). Seattle: International Association of School Librarianship.

Subject Categories: 7, 16

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