Findings: While teachers recognize the potential for digital libraries in providing information to students and expressed willingness to participate in the development of a new system, they also suggested that only quality reports be kept for students� reference.
Abstract: COREDEV (Collaborative resource Development) is a proposed digital library for historical resources that supports the development of digital content collaboratively. A prototype biographical portal that could handle information on Malaysian personalities was chosen as the domain for the test-bed. Five basic features are incorporated into the prototype biographical portal, including uploading, indexing, searching and retrieval modules, supporting multi-format digital resources, providing a facility for searching the content of digital libraries from simple keyword searches, providing user-controlled display and ensuring basic security features. Other information provided includes a brief introduction about the system, frequently asked questions, and terms and conditions for those interested in participating. See:
Zainab, A.N. Abdullah, A. and Ng, W.K. (2002). Collaboratively building digital libraries: Focus on local historical resources for educational use. In D. Singh, A. Abdullah, S. Fonseka and B. de Rozario (Eds.) School libraries for a knowledge society (pp. 291-310). Seattle: International Association of School Librarianship.
Subject Categories: 2, 11