Farmer, L.S.J. (2007). Predictors for Success: Experiences of Beginning and Expert Teacher Librarians. United States of America.
The current research examined the experiences of beginning teacher librarians (TL) and expert TLs to ascertain the factors that predict practitioner success. In the process, the study compares southern California TLs (and their academic preparation) with the experiences of TLs in other representative countries (e.g., Australia, Brazil, Canada, European Union, South Africa, Hong Kong, and Singapore). Factors were identified that link to TL preparation, with the intent of determining: 1) at what point in the academic-practice continuum identified skills, knowledge, and dispositions should be addressed; 2) what pre-service and in-service activities optimized learning. The investigator also uncovered universal and culturally determined practices.
Cyberspace, D-world, E-learning: Giving libraries and schools the cutting edge – IASL 2007 Conference Proceedings
Subject categories: 4, 14
Abstract submitted by Rachel Pultusker, University of Michigan.