Morris, B. J. (2007). Principal Support for Collaboration. United States of America.
Principal support is the key to successful collaboration between classroom teachers and media specialists. The principal holds the power either to make or break collaborative efforts. Collaboration must be an expectation that is supported both vocally and administratively by the principal who wants collaboration to be a commonplace occurrence in schools. Communication and visibility are crucial to the process. The principal who wishes collaboration to occur must be seen and heard discussing collaboration in the school and throughout the community. Teachers must hear that collaboration with the media specialist is a top priority and that it is expected on a regular basis. The principal needs to know about the research on collaboration and increased student achievement and to be its strongest advocate in the school. As an administrator, as the person who “holds the purse strings,” the principal determines the media center budget and determines the technology opportunities offered to students and faculty.
School Libraries Worldwide, 13(1), 23-24.
Subject categories: 6, 18
Abstract submitted by Rachel Pultusker, University of Michigan.