International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Research Abstracts

IASL Research Abstracts: 232

Asselin, M., & Doiron, R. (2008). Towards a Transformative Pedagogy for School Libraries

Today’s students are no longer the people our education system was designed to teach. (Prensky,2001). As more and more educators face the impact of Web 2.0 (O’Reilly, 2005), and as we see emerging what could be called a Learning 2.0 environment, it becomes urgent to expand teaching to meet the literacy and learning needs of the Net Generation (e.g. Oblinger & Oblinger, 2005). These ‘new’ learners and their expanding literacy needs have major implications for current models of school library programs which are traditionally focused on reading promotion and information literacy skills. Discussions and resources about this challenge are rapidly appearing, appropriately within Web 2.0 environments (e.g. Classroom 2.0, iBrary, School Library Learning 2.0, and Library 2.0,). Arising from these sites is the need to critically question long held tenets of school libraries and to create a new research-based vision that will accord with the current economic and social directions driving educational change (e.g. Partnership for 21st Century Learning, 2007; Government of Canada, 2002). This paper contributes to that process by proposing a framework for the work of school libraries in New Times (Luke & Elkins, 1998) based on research in new literacies, new learners, and new concepts of knowledge.

Subject categories: Information & communication technologies (ICTs) (9), Informatoin literacy, information processing models (10), Information sources and services (11)

Abstract submitted by Janice Newsum, Florida State University

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