International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Research Abstracts

IASL Research Abstracts: 241

Campello, B. (2009). Developing Students’ Information Skills in Brazilian School Libraries: The Librarian’s Role

Abstract: This exploratory study examined how school librarians in Brazil understand their role in developing students’ information literacy and whether the notion of a formal program of information literacy informs their practice. The study data included published reports of librarians’ practices as well as interviews and group discussions with 28 librarians, 14 of them from government schools and 14 from private schools, from nine different states. A qualitative, interpretative approach was used to analyze the study data. The results of the study show that the concept of information literacy, as a set of skills and attitudes to be developed through a planned, continuous and sequential library program was not found in the practice of these librarians. However, a significant range of skills and attitudes which contribute to make the library a place for learning was found. The study confirms that there is movement toward the practice of information literacy in Brazilian school libraries, but librarians still need to move further toward collective and permanent actions that characterize the concept of information literacy.

Subject categories: Information literacy, information processing models (10), Special populations (16), Teacher education issues (20)

Abstract submitted by Janice Newsum, Florida State University

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