International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Research Abstracts: 274

Warning, P., Henri, J., Sinclair, C., Chu, B. & Yee, C.C.C. (2008). A Framework for Accreditation of International Baccalaureate School Libraries. Hong Kong, Australia.

Abstract: This study proposes a framework for an accreditation process for International Baccalaureate (IB) school libraries. It investigates a range of existing library benchmarks from developed countries as well as criteria for school library evaluation. A partner for this study is the International Association for School Librarianship (IASL). IASL will include the results of this study as it considers its role as an accrediting body for IBO school libraries. The areas for evaluation, and resulting accreditation, include: staffing, collections, services, facilities and equipment, and collaboration and networking.

Subject Categories: 5, 16

Abstract Submitted by Janice Newsum, Florida State University

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