International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Research Abstracts: 296

Llambias, M.B., Terré, T. M., Bernal, I. M. & González, I.V. (2009). School libraries in Spain: A study on the current state of the issue. Spain.

Abstract: The paper will present the results of a field study accomplished during the course 2004- 2005 at Spanish school libraries (2005), where the search main purpose was to gather and analyze data on seven dimensions: its role in the school; installations: equipment and technologies; collection; staff; management and operation; uses and users; evaluations. The study concludes that, since the last report, school libraries have improved in equipments and collection but this improvement does not match with a bigger and better employ. Another aspect to point out is the scarce use of non-printed material and, especially, Internet.

Subject Categories: 2, 20, 21

Abstract Submitted by Janice Newsum, Florida State University

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