International Association
of School Librarianship

IASL Research Abstracts

IASL Research Abstracts: 315

Everhart, N., Mardis, M. A., Johnston, M. (2010). The Leadership Role of the Teacher Librarian in Technology Integration: Early Results of a Survey of Highly Certified Teacher Librarians in the United States

Abstract: In 2008, the United States’ Institute for Museum and Library Services funded Project Leadership-in-Action (LIA) that included surveys of the technology integration practices of teacher librarian leaders with National Board Certification. Preliminary 2009 survey results suggested that the 295 respondents worked in well-resourced libraries with personnel assistance as well as numerous computers and devices. Respondents reported that they led school technology integration in many areas but also had areas in which to improve such as services to special needs learners, participation in student assessment, and transferring their leadership success to professional and local communities.

Subject categories: 9, 14, 20

Abstract Submitted by Angela Austin, Florida State University

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