The GiggleCritters love to laugh, so they are searching the world for student-created
tall tales and funny stories,
tongue-twisters and jokes,
limericks and poems, and
stories about your special part of the world.
Your students get to choose three GiggleCritters as mascots for your school’s GiggleIT homepage. If you have more than one class registered, each may select their own group of three GiggleCritters for their class page as well.
When you have chosen your GiggleCritters, make sure this information is added to the GiggleIT registration form.
After submitting your registration information and GiggleCritter choices to IASL.Giggle.IT@gmail.com, the GiggleIT team will prepare your school page(s) for the IASL website. Please be patient – this isn’t instantaneous! We will email you as soon as your school’s page is “live” online, just waiting for your students’ work.
Download larger Blank GiggleCritters (2 per page) for the You Design a GiggleCritter project.
The GiggleCritters were created by Emily Manck White who holds their copyright and are used on the IASL GiggleIT Project with her permission.
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