International Association
of School Librarianship

GiggleIT in Oceania

William Clarke College

New South Wales, Australia

Our GiggleCritters

Sizzling GigglecritterDaddy Cool GigglecritterHip Hop GiggleCritter

Our Class - 5C (2011)

5C is awesome! We have the best teacher in the world called Mrs C. We are not a boring class because we do lots of fun things together. We are always laughing and enjoying life so it is pleasant to be around us. We can be serious when required so our teacher can educate us well. We are proud of our room because it is clean and tidy. It also has a really cool air-conditioning system. We are very multicultural. We love to learn about God and spend time in Chapel together. We have excellent classmates who are friendly and always willing to help out. We work together and care about each other. 5C is very creative and we love drama and music. We also enjoy playing sport.

Our Gigglecritters

Afro Gigglecritter
by RI
Purple Gigglecritter
by HE
Cricket Gigglecritter
by HW
Light Bulb Gigglecritter
by AN 
Jazzy Gigglecritter
by MR
Swimming Gigglecritter
by SM
Nature Gigglecritter
by CR
Rainbow Gigglecritter
by TR 

Our Photoshoot

Our Classroom
Our Classroom
Rainforest Painting
Rainforest Tree
Leaf Designs
Leaf Designs
Rainforest Sketches
Personal Emblems
Personal Emblems
Personal Emblems

Haiku Poems

Our Haiku poems tell Email Gigglecritter how he will know he has reached our world. He will know the colours of our  special place.

The hot horizon
The scorching sunset setting
Kangaroos jumping
My Backyard
Pool shimmering bright
Flowers dancing in the light
Green lush grass and air
by SM
by KP-W
Tanning at Bondi
Watching the beautiful waves
Digging in the sand
I went to the beach
Then I saw a great big shark
I ran far away
by TR
by DM
Waves are gliding high,
The sky is shining with light,
This is what I like
Waves splashing at me
Swimming under the water
Kids playing in sand
by WK
by SA
Houses red or black
Lots of windows, they are white
People there are nice
Splashing wave at me
Water went in my eyes
I had a good time
by HE
by WM
Blazing hot sun burns
Sand dunes whip against my legs
Dusty breeze blows hard
Bus Ride
Trees slowly moving
Hawks flying over the bus
Sand attacking the bus
by MR
by AN
Thick sand is burning
There is a massive rock
Heaps of flies buzzing
Aussie Evening
The sky shimmering
I smell a sweet barbeque
Very far away
by NM
by SB

Personal Logos
Design a special personal logo with the colours of your world to attract Email Gigglecritter through your window.

by AN
by AS
by CW
by SA 

by DRD
by HE
by HW
 by SC

by JJ
by JL
by KPW
 by SM

by MR
by MS
by MS
 by TR

by NG
by NM
by RI
 by WM

Our Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
If Snow White lived in your town, region, or country, what would she be called? What names would you give to each of the seven dwarfs to reflect your culture?

Snow White
Rainbow Lorikeet
– One of the most beautiful and colourful birds in Australia.

The Seven Dwarfs
– A kind of bush bread made out of flour and water and cooked on an open fire.
Opal – A precious gemstone found in the Outback
Bush Tucker – Native food found growing wild in the Australian bush.
Humpy – A bark hut used for shelter in the bush
Mozzie – A mosquito with a fierce bite. We have many in the Australian bush.
Kanga – Short for Kangaroo. A kangaroo is an Australian mammal that hops and eats grass.
Mate – A mate is what Australians call their friends, buddies or pals

Cocky – Short for Cockatoo. An Australian bird with a loud screech and a yellow crest on its head

Swaggie – Short for Swagman. A wanderer in the Australian bush who carries a swag or bedroll and all his belongings on his back.

GiggleIT is a Cybersafe Project
The GiggleIT Project is a partner with the International Children's Digital Library

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